Register Players wishing to participate on any T-CYSA team must first register with T-CYSA. All coaches and assistant coaches complete a risk management clearance before working with their players. This clearance is applied for as part of the volunteer registration process. If you have any questions about registering, please contact the T-CYSA Office via email(preferred) or by calling 509-544-0276.
The recreational program is for children ages 4-19. It is a non-competitive program designed to teach the FUNdamentals of soccer in a friendly atmosphere in which all players get equal playing time. All games are scheduled on Saturdays at the T-CYSA Soccer Complex in Pasco. You will also need to purchase a uniform kit (includes home and away jerseys, shorts, and socks) approximately $37.00, shin guards, water bottle, appropriate size soccer ball.
Age Groups and Fees- children ages 4-19 play in T-CYSA’s recreational program, which has a club in each city (Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland) that organizes teams within its own area. These clubs are referred to as T-CYSA’s “recreational city clubs”. Children with the birth year 2012 and older may tryout for one of our competitive teams. Played under club name Tri-Cities FC!
If you cannot afford to register your child, you can apply for a scholarship through T-CYSA programs.
If you have an existing account in the system (from registering your child to play or from registering to volunteer), use that account to register to volunteer. Otherwise, create a new account by choosing the “NO, I do not have a member account” option when it is presented to you in either of the registration programs. Note that registering to volunteer is a separate process from choosing a volunteer position for the parent/guardian during the player registration process.